Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feelin' Twirly

As the countdown continues toward my last day at the Factorie, I've been scrambling to get in some annual check-ups. Yesterday morning was the eye appointment. Every year, I come out of this appointment thinking about the South Park episode where Cartman has to wear these weird looking glasses, and his doctor doesn't trust him to keep them on, so he staples them to Cartman's head. Now, nothing nearly so drastic has ever happened to me at the ophthalmologist's office, but I always feel a bit twirly after having my eyes dilated. (I think the picture here captures quite well how I felt yesterday!)

I am certainly glad that I exhibit no signs of glaucoma or cataracts, but surely there must be a better way to check for these diseases. Think about it: they dilate your eyes, shine bright beams of lights at you, and then send you to pick out new glasses when your vision is completely wonky. I shudder to think of what my new glasses will actually look like when they're ready. (Okay, I'm exaggerating. I picked out a pair with a thin wire frame in a metallic pinkish purple. They seemed very cute... at least they did to my badly focused eyes.) Afterward, I drove to work (thankfully a short drive) and spent the rest of the morning squinting and seeing white glows around everyone. It's quite a trippy experience. Though my normal vision returned by the afternoon, it came with an attendant headache. Well, at least I got it over with. I'm certainly glad that this particular brand of twirliness comes only once a year!

P.S. If you wish to create your own South Park avatar, go to http://www.sp-studio.de/

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