Thursday, December 20, 2007

Livestock Free for 23 Days...

Alas, the streak stops here. I've been so proud of the fact that in recent weeks, I managed to write about topics besides livestock and animal husbandry. (See previous animal-themed entries.) However, those stealthy alpacas have resurfaced again! Last Sunday evening, I was channel surfing when images of alpacas suddenly appeared on the screen. I did a double-take because it was not a nature show, but a contemporary comedy. I could not figure out what the show was about from the bits I saw... only that the episode dealt with pranks and family-owned alpacas. I've since learned that what I witnessed was the last few minutes of a CW sitcom called Aliens in America. The following day, KPGirl brought in her alpaca finger puppet! It really is quite adorable, and I can see why it made an effective focal point during labor. Doesn't this woolly little camelid just make you want to smile?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, KPGirl's husband here... I was perusing your blog and was surprised to see my old nemesis, the finger puppet alpaca. I haven't seen him for months, since KPG absconded with him. I thought I'd point out that a friend bought him in Peru. He says it's woven from alpaca wool (or hair, if alpacas don't have wool). That strikes me as funny and slightly theological. Somewhere in the Andes, there's an alpaca blissfully unaware that he has begotten a bevy of souvenir idols made in his image. Praise be to this dalai llama! (So sorry!)