Sunday, November 11, 2007

Design Changes

Barely three weeks into this blog and already I'm making design changes. Much as the Scribe template spoke to the "classic" side of my personality, it just didn't seem to fit with the spirit of this blog. Parchment, quills, and ink bottles don't exactly convey "airy words." If anything, they announce "weighty words." So, I thought I'd switch to this Harbor template for a while and see how it feels. At the very least, the clouds and the sky suggest airiness. And I do like the cleanness of the design. I haven't decided whether I like the lighthouse or not, and the title font may need some work, but for now, this will have to do. Maybe one of these days, I'll actually learn CSS and design my own blog template.

P.S. If you are new to this blog, this is what it used to look like:
I have to admit, the flower bullet points were fortuitously apropos for the Pushing Daisies quotes. (Click on image to see enlarged version; flower bullet point will be clear.) Still, I didn't feel that the cute dingbat bullets justified keeping the whole template.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the change in and of itself speaks of airyness . . . just a design blowing on the breeze and changing with the wind! (And I agree that the sky and clouds are fitting but I too miss the flower bullets.)