Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lessons in Animal Husbandry (and Other Random Things I've Recently Learned)

  1. llama (m.) + alpaca (f.) = huarizo
  2. llama (f.) + alpaca (m.) = misti
  3. horse (m.) + donkey (f.) = hinny
  4. horse (f.) + donkey (m.) = mule
  5. A male donkey is called a jack.
  6. A female donkey is called a jenny.
  7. Though ass is often used as a synonym for donkey, it technically refers to "any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially : an African mammal (East asinus) that is the ancestor of the donkey" (per Merriam-Webster).
  8. The ass is an endangered species. In fact, the African wild ass is listed as "Critically Endangered" by the World Conservation Union. According to a 2003 "ass headcount," there are apparently no asses in the United States. (I'm sure many would dispute this statement.)
  9. Peppermint Patty's real name is Patricia Reichardt. I have no idea why Marcie called her "Priscilla" in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
Lunchtime conversations at work and the ensuing research they inspire certainly yield fascinating results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew her name was Patricia . . . I guess I just bypassed the Priscilla comment when I watched the show because I knew that wasn't right. I mean, really--who would want to listen to Peppermint Prissy?