Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coraline Out on DVD/Blu-Ray

Hurray! Coraline was released today on DVD and Blu-ray in exactly the way I'd hoped: with both the 2D and the 3D versions, accompanied by 4 pairs of 3D glasses. When I saw the movie in the theater months ago, I was blown away by its visual artistry. It had such an amazing look and atmosphere.
The stop-motion film was beautiful, sinister, compelling, heartwarming, humorous, and haunting. This is admittedly an odd amalgam, but it really worked. I saw the movie in 2D, and it was gorgeous, but I remained very curious about the 3D version. I hoped the DVD would include both versions, and it does!
When I can manage to find a bit of free time, I'd also like to reread Neil Gaiman's novel for a fresh comparison. The film did a wonderful job of bringing his work to vibrant, animated life, but there were also deviations (e.g., the character of Wybie, who I actually rather liked). So much to do, see, and read... and, as always, so little time!

Monday, July 20, 2009


This one is for all my editor friends out there. I'm sure you've all experienced frustration with vendors, but I think the following example takes this all-too-common occurrence to a rather ridiculous level. Here is an illustration from a 1st proof I received.
Here is my comment in response to the image: "This boy looks identical to the boy on p. 3. Please change so he looks more like he's doing a kung fu move (or karate chop) and less like he's dancing." Now, keep in mind that the page on which the above illustration appears is page 6; that's only 3 pages away from the first iteration of this boy in the book!

So, guess what I got back in 2nd proof?
I mean, really? When I saw this, my initial reaction was, "If this weren't happening to me, it'd be hilarious." Sigh. Why are good vendors so impossible to find? On the bright side, vendor mishaps and inadequacies can provide an endless supply of laughs (sardonic though they may be) at the office. One of us merely has to say, "hiya!" and ironic hilarity ensues. Gotta look at the silver lining, right? ;P